St. James Catholic Church
Everything you need to know about our two priests and the beliefs that guide us.

Father Greg Bishop
Born and raised in Lima, Ohio.
Graduated from St. Gregory Seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1970 with a BA in Philosophy.
Graduated from Mount St. Mary’s Seminary Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1974 with a Master of Divinity.
Ordained in May of 1974 for the Catholic Diocese of Toledo. Served as Associate pastor for over 10 years at parishes in northwest Toledo and for a year at St. Joseph parish in Tiffin, Ohio.
In 1985, became pastor at Sacred Heart Church in Bethlehem, Ohio, and Sacramental Minister at St. Joseph Church in Plymouth, Ohio.
In June 1989, left active ministry to marry Barbara “Bobbi” (Allman) Briggs. Through marriage, Greg gained 4 Briggs step-children, Brian (Rachel), Brady (Tasha), Kevin (Ryane) and, Katherine (Katie).
Katie had seizure disorder and other physical problems, was developmentally delayed, non-verbal, non-ambulatory and needed 24/7 care.
Greg served as Katie’s primary caregiver for 15 years before she passed away at 31. Taking care of Katie, while very difficult at times, proved to be one of the greatest joys of Greg’s life.
After Katie’s passing in 2013, Greg met a member of Kansas St. James through a bereavement support group he attended with Bobbi. Upon learning that Greg was an inactive Catholic Priest, the member asked if he would say Mass when the church’s pastor, Father Randy, was absent.
While Greg initially filled in for Randy from time to time, he soon became assistant pastor and then co-pastor.
During the week Greg provides non-emergency medical transportation through his work for Omlor Enterprises in Tiffin, Ohio.
Father Randy LaFond
Greetings friends and members of St. James Parish.
I was born in 1950 in Bay City, Michigan. My father was Roman Catholic and my mother was Methodist. I was raised Roman Catholic but embraced obvious ecumenical sensitivities. I attended public school though out my life and graduated from Michigan State University in 1972 with a BS degree. During my time at Michigan State, I became very active in the campus parish and received my call to the priesthood at that time.
In 1974 I entered the Franciscan community in Centerville, Ohio and began my theological studies. I received a Master of Arts from the University of Dayton in 1979 and my Master of Divinity in 1981. I was ordained in June of 1981.
After ordination I joined a small group of other Franciscans living and working in the inner city of Cincinnati. Supported by prayer and community, our primary ministry was to the poor; working in the jails, oup kitchens, homeless shelters, as well as serving a small intercity parish. I participated in the founding of an intercity housing corporation for the homeless mentally ill called Tender Mercies. That ministry continued to this day.
In 1986 I left the Franciscans. The main reason for leaving was my desire for a committed married relationship. Even though I left the Franciscan community I still felt my calling to my priesthood was valid. At that time, I never thought I would ever be able to express that calling. Then, in 2008, over 20 years after leaving the active ministry, I was contacted by Jim Hull from St. James Parish, Kansas, Ohio. After two years of prayer and planning, and at the request of St. James parish, I became their pastor in June 2010. Currently it is my honor to share co-pastor responsibilities with Fr. Greg Bishop.
Since leaving the Friars I continued my education, receiving an MBA from Tiffin University in 1995. Professionally, I have worked in mental health and addictions medicine as a therapist, consultant and as an administrator. I have been married to my wife Janelle for almost 27 years and have one step daughter named Lindsay. To say the least, its’ been an interesting road. But I can honestly say that I am a better man and a better priest because I have Lindsay and Janelle in my life. They have truly taught me how to love.

Our Guiding Beliefs
Canon 212.3
Canon 213
Canon 843
Words of Welcome
Our Church Blog
The Season of Gratitude